
Massage Clinic based in Wootton Courtenay, in Exmoor National Park.

Sports Massage

Targeted soft tissue work to relieve pain, improve function and range of movement.

A women received a relaxing holistic massage to her back

Holistic Massage

A relaxing whole-body massage to help you relax and unwind and give yourself some TLC.

Women lying on her front during a hot stones massage as hot stones are placed on her back

Hot Stones Massage

The heat from hot stones is able to penetrate deeper into sore muscles and is both soothing and effective.

A pregnant woman walks through the forest

Pregnancy Massage

For both pregnant & breastfeeding women to help with the aches and pains of pregnancy and postpartum.

Women lies face down having myofascial cuppping to her back

Myofascial Cupping

Discover one of the techniques used to relieve pain and tension in muscles and fascia.

Rehab & Stretches

Strength & stretch exercises to help you feel better and ready for your next challenge.

Meet your massage therapist

Georgie first became interested in Massage therapy after working in a Chiropractic and Physiotherapy clinic in Cheltenham and seeing the benefits of massage in its own right and as a complementary treatment to physiotherapy, chiropractic and osteopathy. 

Encouraged by observing patients’ progress, Georgie received regular massages to successfully treat her chronic headaches and jaw pain (TMJ), which she had suffered from since childhood. Shortly after finding this relief, Georgie took up trail running and while training for a series of trail half marathons, Georgie saw first-hand how sports massage can aid performance and prevent recurring injuries.

Georgie trained at the Cotswold Academy in Cirencester and is fully insured with the Complementary Therapists Association. Exmoor Massage Clinic is based in Wootton Courtenay, which lies below the highest point of Exmoor, Dunkery Beacon.

Georgie grew up on Exmoor, horseriding and hiking. After living in Brazil, Spain and most recently Cheltenham, Georgie returned home to set up Exmoor Massage. Outside of work, you will find Georgie hiking on the moor with her two dogs, Kali & Mamba.

Read all testimonials >

Exmoor massage therapist Georgie warms her hands up

“My goal is to reduce pain levels, resolve muscle imbalances and work with the client to make their body more resilient to stress and futureproof against injuries.”

Georgie Russell
Sports Massage Therapist

Highest standards of care

Georgie takes the time to listen to your story and goals and carries out a thorough assessment, tailoring her treatment to suit her client’s needs.

Client Satisfaction

Check out our Google & Facebook Reviews to see what our clients say about their experiences at Exmoor Massage.

Rehabilitation exercises

Stretches and exercise programmes are available for clients who wish to play an active part in their recovery and carry on the treatment from the comfort of their own homes.

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